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Cover for E110 (factory part #EB700) chassis

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Current Stock: 16

Cover for E110/EB700 Chassis

Advance Replacement Services

This item, ending with -REB, is a repair service. In purchasing this service, you are agreeing to send us your non-functional, but repairable, control. It must not be burned, cannot have any water damage, and cannot be physically broken.

To simplify the return shipping process, a UPS Return Service (RS) Label will be added to your order and the cost of that return service will be included as a separate line item. You will receive a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) form and this UPS label in the carton along with the item(s) you have purchased.

Within 10 days of receiving your Rebuilt/Repair part, you must send your repairable control and RMA form back to Acme using the included UPS label. Failure to return a repairable core could result in additional charges of $200-$5000.

Cores returned after more than 10 days could result in late return fees of 10-100% of core charges.

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